About Us

How Veniae Came About:

Veniae came to fruition when my husband and I realized our daughters' school needed a safer, more efficient way to dismiss students at the end of the school day.

Thinking about the process, we researched how other schools typically dismiss their students as well and how we could improve the processes as a whole.

Understanding there are other dismissal alternatives out there, we set about creating Veniae with two key focus areas in mind, safety and efficiency.

Over the past several years, we have partnered with our daughters' school in creating a system that is not only efficient, but much safer than leading competitors.

Veniae allows students to remain inside the school building until their parent is at a location in which the student can easily connect with them. No more waiting outside in harsh weather conditions. No more worrying about students wandering off while waiting for a parent. No more car line clogs or having to loop back around because your student wasn't outside yet.

With Veniae, we give everyone peace of mind that their student is safe and warm inside the building until they arrive.

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip schools with a safe, efficient, and affordable dismissal system that will confidentially connect parents or caregivers with their students in a timely and secure manner.

A Huge Realization

It wasn't until the horrific 2019 STEM School shooting in Colorado, that we realized how incredibly valuable Veniae had become.

Laura had been working as the front desk assistant at our daughter's school the day of the shooting. Her principal had started to receive word that there was a situation taking place at the STEM school, just a mere 10 miles away. And of course, the situation is taking place very close to when they were set to dismiss students for the day.

Laura's principal received word from the sheriffs office that all schools would remain in a lock out situation, meaning school continues as normal, but no one can enter or exit the building.

As Laura and her Principal knew parents would be arriving soon to pick-up their students and knowing parents weren't allowed inside the building, they reached out to their school resource officer to ask for guidance on how to proceed with pick-up.

The school resource officer at the time knew how their school's dismissal system worked, so her principal was given the clearance to release students as normal.

This is when we realized what Veniae had become. A very safe and efficient way to dismiss students from school, even during times of chaos.

The Masterminds Behind Veniae

Laura Widhalm

Master of All Things Marketing, Accounting, and Social

Laura and Brian have been married for over 15 years and have two beautiful daughters. Laura has been a part of the public school system since sending their first daughter to kindergarten in 2013. In 2015, Laura and Brian chose to moved their daughter's to a new, local immersion charter school where she became immediately involved with the school's happenings.

Laura has served in many areas with in the public and charter school sector, including serving as a PTO President, a School Board of Directors President and Vice President, and has worked within the school system as an administrative assistant. Being as involved as she has been, Laura understands how schools operate, especially with pick-up and drop-off procedures. Laura also understands how schools are evolving and safety is one of the biggest challenges inside and outside a school building.

Laura has been involved in the customer service industry her entire life, starting off at an early age in her family's restaurant that was located in Tempe, Arizona at Arizona State University. Growing up in an entrepreneurial family taught Laura many trade skills that she brings to the table in her own business ventures every day.

Laura is also an avid horseback rider and loves to be outside with her animals as much as possible. Laura enjoys running her own financial coaching business as well and loves helping families learn how to take control of their own finances.

Laura truly loves helping people and hopes that Veniae will become a part of your school today!

Brian Widhalm

Master Creator of All Things Technical

Brian has been doing tech work for over a decade and has worked with many different coding languages. He likes to work with open-source technologies. Reach out to Brian with any Technical questions you may have.

When Brian's not building technical things, he likes to be outdoors building things with his hands and spending time with his family.