Veniae Testimonials

“We've been using the Veniae QR code scanning system for the past several years at our school. It makes life so much easier to have a QR code with our household number on it. We can give a copy to family members or friends that might be picking up our kids and feel confident that only trusted sources will be able to use it. No more car swapping or hassling with name plates. It definitely streamlines the process for fast and efficient pick up. I highly recommend this system to any school looking to make their lives and the lives of their families easier and secure!”

- Jenna M., Parker, CO

“Veniae adds an extra measure of efficiency and safety with the slow release instead of hundreds of children pouring out of the school all at once. It's easier on the staff and parents with it's user friendly QR code system.”

- Kara M., Parker, CO

“Veniae has been a wonderful tool for our school to conduct a safe and controlled dismissal. It is convenient, because it can be used on any smart device or computer with access to an internet browser. The functionality makes sense and requires little training to be a classroom user. The admin and scanners need a bit more training, but it is still very simple. The tech team is prompt and courteous when responding to our needs. Overall a great product that makes our dismissal run smoothly and safely every single day.”

- Sabrina Manskey Dean of Students - Global Village Academy Douglas County

“School dismissal has been an area of struggle for many charter schools in our town that do not have buses. You will often see long lines that stretch out onto the street, blocking traffic during the afternoon pick-up hour. The dismissal system, that is now Veniae, has been used at our school for several years now and it has made pick-up very efficient. Every family has a code and you can either park and walk-up or drive through the carline to have your code scanned. Once your code is scanned, your children are alerted in their classrooms and are released to the appropriate door. The slow release of students increases efficiency and keeps them from running around outside of the school unattended while they are waiting for their parents to arrive. One thing that can really slow down a dismissal process and cause confusion is bad weather. This system works great in any weather and doesn't require parents/caregivers to adjust to a different pick-up process when bad weather hits, which inevitably results in confusion and inefficiency.I like how secure this system is without sacrificing convenience. No one has access to my family pick-up code unless I give it to them. At the same time, it is easy to send your code to a trusted friend for pick-up and vice versa. You don't have to send emails to teachers and make phone calls to the front office and hope that the messages get through on a busy school day.”

- Nell N., Parker, CO

“Veniae QR scan code has worked so well for our family. We were given multiple copies of our QR code which I appreciate. We have one taped in the windshield of each car and have given a 3rd to a family member. In this way, all one of us has to do is drive up to the school and wait for a faculty member to scan our code with their phone. Our son can then see our family number displayed in his classroom and be released. It is effortless. I really appreciate the efficiency and modernity of this student release technology.”

- Amy I., Parker, Colorado

"Our school had struggled with dismissal for years and it is a constant parent complaint! Unfortunately, our building was not designed as a school and thus we have had many challenges with getting students dismissed in a timely manner. Traditionally, our school has had over 830 students and dismissal was consistently taking over 45 minutes a day! Previously we would have all the students pack up and head outside with their teachers and wait in the parking lot for their parents. This system was dangerous and disorganized but we thought it was the best option regarding time. When we were faced with the difficult task of social distancing and COVID-19, we knew we had to change our dismissal system to prevent cohort mixing. I reached out to Brian and he was helpful and responsive. We decided to give Veniae a shot. It was immediately a great choice and turned our previous dismissal mess into an easy and safe task. The students remain safe in the classroom and instead of wasting time waiting in the parking lot for their parents, they are learning up to the minute their family code is scanned. Our teachers and parents love the system and it is taking less time to get students dismissed than ever before! I highly recommend this dismissal system to any school to help with the dreaded dismissal time."

- Chelsea Byrd, Assistant Principal at Global Village Academy Northglenn

"I have been using Veniae for nearly 3 years as a scanner. I simply use my phone to scan a unique QR code for each family at our school and a message is sent to that child's classroom instantly. As fast as the kids can exit the building, they are reunited with their parent(s)! Every year the developer has made improvements and it is currently in it's best form! It beeps, flashes, and displays the student's name with each scan to let you know it worked which are features I appreciate. The ease, speed, and security of this system makes it ideal for any school to utilize!"

- Elizabeth Elliott, Global Village Academy Douglas County